
A Full Plate Means No Room for Soup

Regrettably, I do not have any Bead Soup to share this morning.  Oh, I have beads, and some almost finished pieces, but because I bit off more than I could chew so to speak, there won't be Soup to share till this evening or perhaps tomorrow evening.  Sigh.  That's what going to school and working full time will do to you :/

Stay tuned though, because, I have not one, but two, batches of Soup to share, courtesy of the USPS.

In other news...  I can't believe I missed the posting, but my Etsy shop was featured at Kaeli's Kiwis.  While I am uber-excited about the feature, I'm holding off on sharing the link at the moment because Chrome is telling me that Kaeli's blog may be the victim of a malware attack. :(

And I can't forget about my Creative Sistah's!  I finished my "August" sketch in Brandy's book in the nick of time, and it is now in Stephanie's very capable hands.  Here's what it looks like:

More to come, but right now, it's time for this busy girl to get some sleep.


artbrat said...

Hi Jennifer, I love your entry for August. What a fun way to show represent chaos!

Good for you going back to school to study something new. I hope that you love it and do well.

coffeeaddict said...

it happens, I'll be back to see what you've created

Unknown said...

Thank you for letting us know. It seems like a lot of people just let the whole thing go. There's a post about the beads they received, and then nothing.
We're all late sometimes, hope i get back to see your creation.

Lori Anderson said...

Shoot me an email when you're ready!

EVA said...

The pages look great! Love the twister!

My pages in your book for August are up on my blog now.

Good luck with juggling work and school!