
Busy Busy Busy

That's been me the past few days.  Attended a memorial service up in Maryland for my mother-in-law, who passed away on May 7th.  And I'll tell you, anything that could have gone wrong before hand, did go wrong.  My nephew's car was broken in to, the proper cable had to be found to connect the laptop to the projector for the slide show, and my skirt didn't make the trip up from North Carolina.  It was a hectic morning to say the least.  But, in the end, it all worked out, and the service was beautiful.

Now I'm back home, with a list a mile long of things that must be done tomorrow before I return to work on Thursday.  Bills to pay, letters to write.  Trips to the library, the post office, the grocery store.  Laundry, laundry, and more laundry.  Ack!!!

On the bright side though, I should have Andrea's sketchbook in my hands by the end of the week so I can start on my June spread.  If you don't know what I'm talking about, check out the Sisterhood of the Traveling Sketchbooks tab.

And now, rather than starting another post, I'm gonna throw in this week's edition of Hoo Are You? courtesy of Night Owl Crafting.

1.  What is your favorite thing cooked on the bbq?
2. How do you celebrate Memorial Day?
3. Do you like your handwriting?
4. Do you still have your tonsils?

5. Do you unite your shoes when you take them off?

1. My favorite thing cooked on the GRILL is a big fat hand-cut ribeye steak that has been marinated in red wine, soy sauce, and black pepper.

2. Generally, I celerbrate Memorial Day by working :/  I work in the restaurant business, and Memorial Day is not one of the 3 days we close.

3.  I love my handwriting.  People only wish they could write as pretty as I can ;)

4.  I do indeed, and still get strep throat periodically.

5.  Sure don't, unless I'm wearing my boots.. Then I kinda have to.

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