

Today has been a day.  I met with a friend for coffee this morning, and when we get together, it's like a 2 hour affair.  Went home and got to work on some stuff J (my husband) wanted me to do.  Then I remembered, it's Bead Table Wednesday!  Crap!  I have yet to take any pictures, so my table's goin' up late today.

So I'm workin', workin', workin'.  Visiting some OWOH blogs here and there. 'Bout half an hour ago I was making a phone call (I'll tell you about that in a minute) when I looked at the date.  Double Crap!  OWOH is over tonight!  I've still got tons of blogs to visit!  So guess what I'll be doing all night?

About that phone call.  I was (repeatedly) calling a local classic rock radio station (96.1 for anyone in the Triangle area of NC) because they were giving away tickets to a YES show in March.  I'm not even a YES fan, heck, I never even heard of them until I met J four years ago.  He's the YES fan.  So anyway, I WON!!!  I'm so excited, especially because of the look on his face when I told him.  

So, anyway, my BTW pics will be up later tonight, somewhere in between all the blogs I want to visit.

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